River Honored by Cary Mayor

Award from the mayor of the City of Cary

This year at CORRAL’s Kildaire End of Year celebration, the City of Cary presented our horse River with the first ever ‘Mayor’s Star Medallion’. This prestigious award honors community members that have displayed inspiration, beauty, perseverance, innovation, and courage. As the first recipient of this award, we are so proud of River for her service to our students and our mission.

Having also been awarded the non-competition Thoroughbred of the Year 2022 by The Jockey Club, we are so grateful that her work continues to gain recognition. As a rescue horse, River’s own lived experiences have given her the empathy and strength to connect with many of our students that have experienced trauma or neglect. Through equine-assisted therapy, our horses help to teach the participants how to establish healthy boundaries, maintain healthy relationships, and communicate effectively. These are often the students’ biggest needs and horses like River help to meet them.

Here is what the City of Cary had to say about River and CORRAL:

“Cary is fortunate to have exceptional nonprofits, with CORRAL Riding Academy shining brightly among them. River’s story, intertwined with the academy’s mission, captivates and inspires both the girls and the CORRAL community. The academy’s leaders and volunteers have diligently fostered an inclusive and nurturing environment, while the unwavering determination of the participants exemplifies their commitment to a brighter future.” Mayor Weinbrecht eloquently highlights how River’s journey and CORRAL’s impact extend beyond individual narratives, showcasing the transformative power of resilience and community.” Click here to read the full press release.

We want to thank the City of Cary, Mayor Weinbrecht and his team for acknowledging the importance of River’s work and the value of equine-assisted therapy. We believe that through our holistic model and the support of our community at large, we can continue to see young people in the Triangle access brighter futures.

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an outdoor group

CORRAL is a faith-motivated nonprofit that equips adolescent girls in high-risk situations through a long-term, holistic program of equine therapy and education.

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