CORRAL Horses Healing Hearts

Midtown Magazine recently highlighted the transformative work of CORRAL Riding Academy, in their article: Horses Healing Hearts. the spotlight shines on our organization, dedicated to offering hope and healing to young girls facing significant challenges. Founded in 2008, CORRAL Riding Academy operates two farms in Raleigh and Cary, providing a safe haven for girls aged 11–18 in high-risk situations with limited resources and protective factors. Through a unique combination of equine therapy and education, CORRAL Riding Academy empowers these girls to overcome trauma and adversity, nurturing their capacity for change and resilience. 

CORRAL alumna, Carson, said some of the most important things the program taught her were that she can face her problems without embarrassment or shame and that self-love is the best love. “[CORRAL taught me] my anxiety doesn’t define who I am; I’m so much more. CORRAL makes me feel free,” said Carson. She is one of the many success stories of CORRAL participants.

CORRAL offers two programs for students: Join the Herd and the Riding Academy. Join the Herd is a 12-week program where participants are paired up with one of 15 rescue horses and work with licensed professionals to develop a meaningful relationship with their horse. This relationship-building process is quite similar to how one would foster a healthy relationship with a person. Once this program has been completed, girls have the opportunity to apply for The Riding Academy. The Riding Academy is a long-term program, lasting from one to six years and 17 hours a week, that combines equine-assisted psychotherapy with academic tutoring, vocational training, mentorship, and family counseling. Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, and The Riding Academy is where CORRAL sees its most profound results. Girls who were in the program for two or more years earned an average 3.60 final GPA and 77% of girls (all time) from the program have gone on to enroll in college. 

Ready to join us in making a difference? Learn more about CORRAL Riding Academy’s mission and consider how you can support our efforts to help even more girls discover a brighter future.

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an outdoor group

CORRAL is a faith-motivated nonprofit that equips adolescent girls in high-risk situations through a long-term, holistic program of equine therapy and education.

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